Saturday, December 23, 2006

NYC, Cape Cod, and Monica Crowley

It has been a few busy days since I have posted. This past Tuesday I went to NYC with my girlfriend Jacki . We took the train from Stamford to Grand Central. Well.. before our first stop in Harlem, this Satan-worshipping scary metalhead dude walked through our cabin, pulled some sort of gun(real or fake?) on the girls behind us and asked, "Do you want to be shot?." The girls didnt scream or anything. They didn't even say anything to the conductor. The guy just kept walking. When we pulled into Harlem 2 cops ran by the train with their guns drawn. They ented the cabin behind us (where the freaky dude was now) and basically beat him up and dragged him out of the train, with guns drawn the whole time. Eventually we came to Grand Central Terminal and the conductors wouldn't open the doors because the police wanted to question everyone. They were ripping up the seats trying to find the gun because apparently it wasn't on that punk. I don't know how long they kept the train closed because Jacki and I snuck out of the train. We didn't feel like wasting our day in NYC being stuck on the train.
One we left the train we went to see the Xmas tree at Rockefeller plaza. The tree was pretty nice. I liked the light shows and music they had around the tree more though. The building around it had bright snoflakes that light up separately to the upbeat of the xmas music they were playing. Pretty darn neat. Here's a shot of most of the flakes lit up at the same time on the side of one building:

After that we were kind of cold and looking for a place to go inside. Right after this picture was taken -

- this teacher that had brought her class to see the Rockettes asked us if we would like to see the show for free. It was starting that second. So we saw the show and it was great. After the show we hopped on teh subway because we needed to go see one of Jacki's friend perform at a comedy club. The show was great. Jacki's friends did a full body masterbation on stage, lol. One of the comedians was hilarious. If you get a chance to see Al Lubel on tv or in a show, I would recommend you go see him.

Before I start writing about Cape Cod, I wanted to share with the world that I went bowling on Thursday and bowled my highest score: 212. woohoo, and I choked on the last ball and got only 1 pin after a series of strikes.

Ok, so Cape Cod. Jacki lives there. I went to celebrate a little pre-xmas xmas. We exchanged gifts and had dinner. Jacki got me a nice ring and a medical spanish guide :-). Her parents, who own the Old Manse Inn, also got me some neat gifts. On the way back for the cape, I was listening to the radio and somehow got listening to this political talk show - The Monica Crowley Show.hhoooollllyyy ss@^%$#%$it this woman pissed me off. I am not especially tolerant of people who are incredibly arrogant, so this woman had my blod boiling a little. I thought I was pretty moderate in my political views before I heard this woman speak, but afterwards I realize I am quite liberal. She kept talking about immigration and how she things all foreigners should be deported, yadda yadda yadda.. what's next - ghettos for foreginers and concentration camps soon after? She then talked about the liberal biased media. Ok, she has a point, most journalists are smart.. I mean.. liberal. I thought she was fine for pointing that out until she started talking about the Media Research Center and their awards for the worst reporting of the year. Wow. Talk about biased. There is not one conservative view on there as bad reporting or a bad qoute. Their worst qoute of the year includes Rosie saying that radical christianity is just as dangerous as radical Islam. I agree with that qoute. Monica's views make me cringe. I wish I was a better write so that I can coney just how awful I thought this woman was. If anyone has heard this woman speaks and either agrees or disagrees - leave me a comment about it.

Well I will end this long post for now. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks with some exciting stuff happening. First, of course - XMAS. Then the 26th I leave for Vegas and the grand canyon with Jacki and her fam for a week. After that I start my new job in a new emergency department since I am quitting the busy one and working at a smaller one now. I'll keep everyone posted. As always I leave with a picture -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Al.... Lubel, Al...Allubel...Lubel.
This is the Inn my (Jacki's) parents own on the Cape... (enter more shamless plugging here).


<3 Jacki