Monday, December 11, 2006

Updates on the Med School Application Cycle

Since I want to focus on both medicine and photogaphy in this blog, I thought I would write an update on my cycle so far. I applied to 8 MD and 8 DO medical schools through the primary applications. I withdrew from 2 DO schools and 2 MD schools even before turning in secondaries. I was rejected from George Washington University. I received 3 DO interviews so far: UMDNJSOM(new jersey), Nova Southeastern(florida), and UNE(maine). From those 3, I was accepted at NSU and waitlisted at the other 2. I have a "better than great" shot to be accepted to UMDNJ according to the director of admissions. I don't know where I stand at UNE because I didnt ask since it is my 3rd choice out of those 3. So after all that I withdrew my applications from 4 more DO schools.

I am waiting to hear word from 5 MD schools: Temple, Drexel, Jefferson, Uconn, and NYMC. I am not very optomistic that I will receive an interview from any of those due to my crappy gpa - If I received an interview from Drexel, Jefferson, or Uconn they would give NSU and UMDNJ a run for their money. I think I would rather attend NSU or UMDNJ over Temple or NYMC but I want to see if I can land the interviews anyway.

So I will be left with making a decision between NSU and UMDNJ in the end. I am going to visit both schools in the near future to see which one I would rather attend. I think I would be very happy at either school. I will leave explaining what DO is and why I choose to apply to several DO schools for a later post or you guys can google "osteopathic medicine."

As always, I will leave with a picture, but since I have not taken any pictures in the last few days I will post a pic of Jacki, my gf, that is a couple of years old. She is wearing my shirt. She is absolutely stunning and I love her very much.

hmmm.. the colors seem a little funny... when I have some more time(not finals week) I will fix that and repost this picture. Until then - enjoy!


Anonymous said...


"I will post a pic of Jacki, my gf, that is a couple of years old."

You sick bastard, she's only "a couple of years old"


just kidding, of course...


Jakub said...

haha, what can I say. please dont arrest me:-). jk.

Anonymous said...

where you listed the schools you're waiting to hear from, you wrote 'and' twice before nymc... just so you know :)

see you in a couple of weeks!


ps. your photos are really good!!

Jakub said...

Hey emilia,

thanks for the find. I never proofread and I probably make more typos than anyone I know.